Do You Crave a Masculine Man?

If your answer is YES, I would like to follow up with another question for you:
Are you being the expression of your feminine essence?


The Feminine Inspiration to Masculine Leadership

Recently I read a post on Facebook written by a man, telling women to ask their man “May I?” to inspire his masculinity.

Many women reacted to this man’s post in a very negative and defensive way. However, I must give the man some credit. But I can definitely see that, with such a statement coming from a man, the women would get triggered into their defense mechanism, fighting for themselves and their right to be strong and not children asking for permission from dad.


So, I would like to offer an alternative approach to this, as a woman and reading this from a feminine perspective through a feminine lens.


Can you imagine what it does to a man when you ask him “May I?”

Indirectly you are asking him to make a decision. A decision is a choice and an opening of a path towards something, whatever it is that is being asked. More importantly, it is demanding of him to make that decision, to choose. When he does that, he is practicing leadership, and thus also practicing and expression masculinity.


When you as a woman ask, “May I?”, you are not making yourself small or powerless, you are stepping into your essence as a feminine force, a feminine path-shower. When you ask him “May I?” you are indirectly asking him to be the leader, but you are also telling him what you desire, need, or want, and thus you are helping him to see and understand where you are at and where you would like to be or go.


When we can allow ourselves to view the relationship as an ‘us’ instead of a ‘me and you-kind-of-thing’, or even worse as a ‘me against you-thing’, we are empowering ourselves through the connection, through the relationship that we have, prior to this, chosen to be in. We are empowering each other and thus the relationship.


If you as a woman desire to be with a masculine man, let him be and present that masculinity in your relationship. Choose to see him, hear him and feel him in that way. By you stepping into your masculinity, you are showing him that you don’t trust him, that you are afraid of and in the relationship, that you don’t know how to be intimate with him, and ultimately that will push him away. Because by doing this, you were the first one to leave yourself and, even if it wasn’t your intention, it manifested him leaving you.


We want a masculine man who can make the decisions in our life together. We crave it. We crave not to worry all the time, not to be the provider all the time, not to over-analyze everything.


When I learned that I don’t have to go into every argument, every discussion with others, because I knew that I had chosen the right man to speak for the both of us, I understood what the apostle Paul meant when he said: “Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.  If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.”  


Or in Timothy 2:11-12 that says:

“A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.”


Years ago, I sang in a church choir, and we used to call Paul, Paul the Prick, but that was because we didn’t understand his words and scripture. Being with the man that is my significant other, I learned the meaning. I learned that because I had chosen a man who shares the same values as me, same ideals as me and same belief as me, I had chosen a man who could speak on my behalf.

I bet that many women will chinch to these words. BUT and this is a big but, if we want a man to protect us and keep us safe, we need to let him do that. If we get into arguments with others, and especially other men, we could potentially create a situation where our man had to fight for us and risk his own life because of our public statements. A masculine man’s way to keep his woman safe is by speaking for her in communities of other men, so if they have an issue with his opinions, they have an issue with him and not her. It is the man’s way of keeping us safe. The question is then, do we allow him to do that or is our expression of our opinions more important than the relationship and him trying his best to keep us safe?


I know this is highly controversial in today’s Western societies, however, I got to learn it and feel it in my own body and being, and I feel relieved, supported and so much more feminine, when I don’t’ have to fight the world or be against anyone – My man makes sure that I am safe under his loving protection and guidance. And I have never felt more feminine. All I can say is, I would never have been able to attract a masculine man like him if I hadn’t done my work, my healing and allowed my feminine to flourish. But with him it is amplified a million times and I love every bit of it.

And, dear woman, I want nothing less for you. What do you want for yourself? A masculine man or to fight against the world yourself?

If you would like to go deep, really deep, and know all your feminine power and become a fully embodied expression of it, you can connect with me in our FB-group, Femina, or you can work with me 1 - o -1 by shooting me an email and we’ll arrange for it together.

Elizabeth Lund

Link to listen @Soundcloud




Why Women Have a Hard Time Pushing Through their Masculine Shield of Protection

